Finding Free or Low-Cost Legal Documents
In the past, the high cost of having legal documents prepared by an attorney has prevented many people from getting solutions to very basic, everyday legal issues. But now, finding free or low-cost legal documents is just a click away and widely available online. Legal forms, and sometimes accompanying legal help, are available from a wide range of sources. The purpose of this free and low-cost legal documents guide is to help you find forms and low-cost legal documents that are properly written and will hold up under legal scrutiny.
Free Legal Documents
There are many places to find basic, free legal documents and forms that will provide you with solid legal protection. Most of the documents are customizable to fit your specific purpose, and most also include instructions for filling out the legal documents properly. Many of the forms are specific to your state so that they will comply to state law where you live. The forms can be printed and in some cases, they can also be signed electronically and transmitted online without the need to print them. However, it is important that you always print a copy for your records.
Law Depot: Law Depot is a source of free online forms offering documents in a variety of categories including Wills & Estates (Last Will & Testament, Living Will and others), Financial (Bill of Sale, Loan Agreement, Promissory Note and more), Real Estate (Rental Agreement, Commercial Lease Agreement and more), Family (Separation Agreement, Prenuptial Agreement and more), Business (Partnership Agreement, LLC Operating Agreement and more) and miscellaneous forms including Affidavit, Letter of Intent and Release/Waiver Agreement.
Rocket Lawyer: The Rocket Lawyer site has forms covering the same issues as the Law Depot. In addition, Rocket Lawyer has attorneys available in your area to answer legal questions you submit online. A basic answer will be given, and you’ll be invited to meet with the attorney for a consultation. The consultation might not be free, depending on the attorney and the legal issue. Many forms, and answers to very basic questions are usually free.
Free Legal Documents: This website has all the most popular legal documents plus some not so common including those covering Intellectual Property issues, Contractors, and Parental Consent forms. Free Legal Documents offers just the forms; there are no options for receiving paid legal advice.
Docracy: This unique site’s motto is “legal for the people.” Docracy offers a wide range of free and open forms submitted by attorneys, organizations and “people like you.” How it works is explained in a 40-second video available to watch on the site’s front page. Docracy makes signing forms electronically an option, so the documents don’t have to be printed. They can be transferred online.
Form Swift: Similar to Docracy, Form Swift gives you access to more than 500 forms that can be customized and signed electronically for outstanding convenience.
Find Legal Forms: This highly rated site offers a few very basic forms for free. But you will find that many of the legal documents on Find Legal Forms must be purchased. Prices are competitive with those of the low-cost legal documents sellers listed below.
There are many other free legal form sites very similar to the ones above including FindForms, FindLaw, Lawsmart, AllLaw, LectLaw and ILRG/Public Legal.
Low-Cost Legal Documents
While not free, the following services will reduce your legal expenses compared with standard rates for attorneys. You also get the assurance that the forms have been prepared by an attorney.
Legal Shield: Legal Shield offers legal service memberships with a low-cost fee per month for personal use and a slightly higher fee for small businesses. Once you’re a member, you have unlimited access to legal documents and legal help from attorneys who are part of a nationwide network.
Legal Zoom: We are sure you have heard about Legal Zoom as they are one of the very first online low-cost legal document and help sites. Legal Zoom covers all the bases from Personal & Family to Wills & Trusts to Business. Most documents are not free, though they cost a fraction of what you’d pay an attorney, and they were prepared by an attorney. Step-by-step guidelines are given for each. Legal help is also available on the site for less than you’d pay your local attorney for his or her time. If you are looking for free or low-cost legal documents Legal Zoom is a great choice.
US Legal Forms: US Legal Forms is a company that offers services and prices very comparable to Legal Zoom and similar low-cost legal form companies.
Besides the above three websites offering low-cost legal documents there are a few others worth checking out, including, The Lectlaw Library, (, Standard Legal ( and Megadox ( The Lectlaw Library contains a wealth of legal information, free forms and much more.
Low-Cost Legal Documents Conclusion
As you can see, you have excellent options for finding low-cost or free legal documents for your most common legal issues. Check out the free legal forms sites first, and if you don’t find what you need or if you need assistance in filling out any of the forms, then move on to the low-cost legal document sites where help is available for far less than most local attorneys charge.